So I've spent the last couple of weeks sleeping in library's. I mean it's better than the streets and I've found it's relatively safe. As long as you're up before the librarian shows up on the morning that is. But a fellow runner(well she doesn't really call herself a runner) was located nearby the city of Annapolis, where I had just happened to had stayed last night. So I asked her if I could crash at her place for a bit and she agreed to let me.
So when I woke up that morning I avoided the librarian and then acted as if I had just got there. I sat at one of the many desks there and began to read, waiting for Tori. I had gotten so in to my book the tap on my shoulder surprised me. I almost jumped. Thankfully I did not, that would have been rather embarrassing.
"Skye, I presume?" I looked up to see a girl with shoulder length ebony hair smiling at me, my eyes met one eye(her other being covered by her bangs). Her eyes were a dull blue, her smile was slightly strained and did not reach her eyes......well eye. I decided to not comment on this and filed it away for later. I noticed that I may have been staring longer than I should of and I could feel my face heat up. In a failed attempt to hide my blush I looked down shutting my book and the notebook next to it and began to pack up.
"Y-yeah, that's me." stuttering is always a wonderful way to make a first impression. "Tori?" I asked. I finished packing my bag, a simple one strap book bag. I stood up holding my book bag. Still staring at the ground. Damnable shyness.
"Correct. The car's outside, we can get going if you want." She was still smiling, her smile at this point was a little less strained.
"O-okay" With that we set off for the car. I took this time to examine her a little closer. Simple enough attire, a plain long sleeve shirt, and jeans that looked a little worn. "Um, can I, uh sit in the back?" I fiddled with the pockets of my pants nervously, still not meeting her glance.
"Whatever you feel comfortable with. As long as you wear a seat belt, you can sit upside down if it makes you happy." She shrugged.
I stopped "I don't think I'll sit upside down...."
"Sorry kid, I say a lot of weird shit and I've been on my own for so long my filter is long gone." I looked at her curiously, slightly irritated at being called a kid, but more curious than irritated. When she looked up at me, I darted my head to the side already feeling my face heat up again. She chuckled at this and opened the door to the drivers seat, reaching back and unlocking the back door. I wondered for a moment how old this car was. It looked fairly new but didn't have automatic locks? I decided to keep my questions to myself though, fearing that I may stutter again.
"The ride back's about an hour long. Feel free to sleep and please inform me if you need to use the bathroom. I'm pretty sure I can find a place pretty quick. I'll keep the music pretty low, okay?" She told me as she started the car.
"O-okay..." I responded quietly. I once again began to examine my hostess, so many thoughts racing through my head. As she looked back to pull out of the parking spot she caught me staring, my face flushed and suddenly I was very intrigued by the floor of her car.
"If you find any change on the floor you can keep it." An attempted joke, I simply remained quiet and turned to look out the window.
I jumped when I heard her voice snapping me out a daze. "I used to live around here, this street coming up on the left in a bit actually, we could drive past where my house was. I don't know if they rebuilt it or if they just left it alone. County government sucks as bad as the lighting grid out here"
"U-um, sure?" I responded questioningly, not looking at her.
I zoned out until we reached the house, what I saw shocked me. She pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. I stared at the house, or the burnt remains of what was once a house. Was this what would happened had I not ran? Would my family be dead now? She seemed to read my mind.
"Skye, I'm going to be honest. This is what happens when you don't run. They make you run. You made the right choice, but you're not finished making choices yet. Okay?" I looked over at her actually meeting her gaze.
"Y-yeah..." I responded, ducking my head down in another failed attempt to hide my blush. It was comforting to hear that though. Since I ran I hadn't been sure I had made the right decision. But now I see that my decision may have saved my parent's lives.
"Let's go." She said with a sigh.
I tried to think of a way to thank her as we drove. I mean, she was inviting a stranger into her home. She was doing something very kind by letting me stay there. So I tried to think about what I could do to show my appreciation. After a while I realized what I could do. I would cook a meal for her. Cooking is one of the few things I can say I'm actually good at. With this mind I asked her if there was a grocery store we could stop at. She told me there was actually one by her house we could stop at. We stopped at the store and she led me in and grabbed a cart. She told me that she would just follow me. I navigated the aisles, grabbing a variety of things. From pasta, to meat, and cheese. Of course I grabbed what no one can live without, bacon.
When we got to the house we had to find a way to fit everything in her fridge. It was interesting, we had to rearrange everything numerous times until we got it just right. I was a blushing/stuttering mess the entire time. I would almost sprint from the room every time we accidentally brushed up against each other. I curse my shyness and my slight fear of the opposite gender. This fears stems from certain.....experiences in the past with girls. I guess I wouldn't really call it a fear, I'm just more nervous around girls then most guys my age. It frustrates me to no end.
After that she gave me a quick tour of the house. This house was MUCH bigger than it had looked initially. I mean damn Tori's parents(god bless there souls) must have been loaded. After we had finished the tour she told me to pick anywhere I wanted to sleep.
"Anyway, you can sleep wherever you want. As long as it's not in my bed it's fine," She shrugged. I blushed at this of course. Damn blushing.
I wandered around the house a little more before choosing a room that was at the opposite end of the house from hers. I settled in and began to read my book again. Dinner time came before I knew it and I wondered into the kitchen. She asked me if I could use some help and reluctantly I told her sure. She was curious as to what I was making but I did not respond when questioned, deciding it would be a surprise.
I would ask her where something was and she would tell me. After I had finally placed the dish in the oven she asked again.
"You gonna tell me what you're making now?" She asked me in a joking tone.
As I placed some butter and garlic powder in the microwave I responded "Baked Ziti."
"Do you read minds?" she laughed, "Cause I swear that's my favorite pasta dish in the universe."
I was slightly startled by this, I turned around and our eyes met again, my blushing came back full force. I turned back to the microwave. It seemed my stuttering had come back as well. "N-no I'm just good at m-making it..."
"Well I think that's awesome. I'll go ahead and set the table, alright?" With that she hopped of the counter and went to set the table. Dinner was quiet. Though I expected it would be. We would ask a question and the other would answer. I tried my best to control my stuttering. Sigh, though it was one failed attempt after another.
After dinner we cleaned up, and I went back to the room I had chosen. I read for awhile before sighing and laying down. With so many thoughts flying through my head one would think I found it hard to fall asleep. I was rather exhausted though and sleep came rather quickly.
I would have typed this up last night but as I stated I was very tired.
This is who I'm staying with by the way.
Well that's it. Until next time I guess.
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