Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sparklers, explosions and independence.

On this day 237 years ago our country published the declaration of independence from Great Britain.

Happy 4th everybody! (that's all your getting)


  1. Replies
    1. You better...cause That really is all your getting :P

  2. British person here. I should have been so lucky.

    1. Why hello there haven't seen you around here before. Welcome I guess.

      British hm? I've never known a British person actually. Um the wishing for a happy 4th was for you as well, even if it means little to those who are not from the United States.

    2. Hi there! =)

      As for British people... British people hate Britain. So it is only natural that I want independence from it. :D Also... the stereotypes about Britain - the tea, the sarcasm, the rain - are true!

      Except for the posh thing, that's just those bloody Tory toffs. And the bad teeth thing. That only applies to old people.
